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Html Lists:
List represents a group of items of same type. HTML support three types of Lists, They are
  1. Ordered Lists or Numbered Lists
  2. Unordered Lists or Bulleted Lists
  3. Definition Lists
  1. Ordered Lists or Numbered Lists:
Ordered List represents the group of items that are arranged in specific or particular order i.e. all the elements are prefixed by a symbol that denotes their relative order.
Syn:          <ol>
Ex: Fruits list
<li> Apple</li>
<li> Pine Apple</li>
<li> Mango</li>
<li> Grapes</li>
<li> Banana</li>
Here <Ol> means Ordered list, <li> means List item. </li> tag is optional because the browser treats as the end of a list item when new list item begin.
The following are the list of attributes that support Ordered list.

I. Type:
It specifies the style of a list item in ordered list with the values 1, A, a, I, i.
By default the list items in ordered list are represented by Numbers.
Syn:          <ol type=”1/A/a/I/i”>
      Ex:            <ol type=”I”>
            <li> Apple</i>
  II. Start:
       It specifies the starting number of the list item in an ordered list other than 1.
       Syn:   <ol start=”5”>
      Ex:            <ol start=”5”>
            <li> Apple</i>
  1. Unordered Lists or Bulleted Lists:
Unordered List also represents the group of items but they are not arranged in any specific or particular order i.e. all the elements are marked with bullets.
Syn:          <Ul>
Ex: Vegetables list
<li> Tomato</li>
<li> Carrot</li>
<li> Brinjal</li>
<li> Ladies finger</li>
<li> Chillies</li>
Here <Ul> means Unordered list, <li> means List item. </li> tag is optional because the browser treats as the end of a list item when new tag begin.
The following are the list of attributes that support Unordered list.
I. Type:
It specifies the style of a list item in unordered list with the values circle, square and disc. By default the list items in unordered list are represented by shaded disc.
Syn:          <ul type=”circle/square/disc”>
      Ex:            <ul type=”square”>
                  <li> Tomato</li>
<li> Carrot</li>
  1. Definition Lists:
Definition List is a set of Definitions in which each item has two parts, a Definition term (dt) and its Description of Definition term(dd) in pairs.
Syn:         <dl>
Ex:            <dl>
<dd>Hyper Text Markup tage</dd>
<dd>Standarised Text Markup </dd>
<dd>Extensible Markup tage</dd>
Here <dl> means Definition list, <dt> means Definition term and <dd> means Description of Definition term. </dt> and </dd> tags are optional because the browser treats as the end of a list item when new tag begin.
1) CSS with in head section
The following example describes the simple use of style tag in head section and also changes headings
<html><head><title>Simple Stylesheet</title>
color: red;
border: thin groove;
text-align: center;}
<h1>Simple Stylesheet</h1>
Notice style definition inside an HTML comments so that it will be ignored by browsers which don’t support styles.
2) CSS with in body section
The following example describes the use of styles in body section by using the style attribute in its corresponding tag.
<head><title>Simple Stylesheet</title></head>
<h1 style=”color: red; border: thin groove; text-align: center ;”>
Simple Stylesheet</h1>
<h2 style=”color: blue; text-align: right;”>
3) CSS through External file
The following example describes the linking of External CSS file by using Link tag.
<head><title>Simple Stylesheet</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="sample.css" /></head>
<h1 style=”color: red; border: thin groove; text-align: center ;”>
 Simple Stylesheet</h1>
h1{Color:red;text-align:center;border: thin groove;}

Heading Tags:
The first thing that the most readers notice while viewing any page of text is Headings and Sub-headings. Hence, Html provides Six types of heading tags to display the text in
Various sizes such as H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6. The largest heading is H1 and smallest heading is H6. These HTML Headings are very useful for dividing the document in Sections and Sub-sections.
Syn: <Hi> ----- </Hi> where i=1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Ex: <H1> Headings </H1>
<H2> Headings </H2>
<H3> Headings </H3>
<H4> Headings </H4>
<H5> Headings </H5>
<H6> Headings </H6>

In the word “Hyperlink”, Hyper means Jumping and Link means Connection. A hyperlink is a word, phrase, or image that you can click on to jump to a new document or a new section within the current document. Hyperlinks are found in nearly all Web pages, allowing users to click their way from page to page. Text hyperlinks are often blue and underlined. When you move the cursor over a hyperlink, whether it is text or an image, the arrow should change to a small hand pointing symbol at the link. When you click it then the hyperlink will connect to the address as referred by the user.
            In Html, The Hyperlink creation can be done with the help of Anchor tag and It contains following three basic parts.
  1. The Beginning and Ending Anchor tag pair (<A>------</A>).
  2. The href attribute that specifies the URL of the page to be loaded when the hyperlink is selected.
  3. The Text or Image that appears as the active Hperlink.
The following are the list of attributes that describe anchor tag.
  1. Href: It specifies the URL of the page to be loaded when the hyperlink is selected.
Syn: <a href=”URL”> ----- </a>
Ex: <a href=”D:\Samples\hyper.html”>Hyper </a>
  1. Target:  It allows to specify where the linked document should open with the values _blank, _self and _parent.
Syn: <a href=”URL” target=”targetname”> ----- </a>
Ex: <a href=”URL” target=”_blank”> Sample </a>
  1. Name: It allows to create an identification name for the Hyperlinks.
Syn: <a href=”URL” name=”name of the Hyperlink”> ----- </a>
Ex: <a href=”URL” target=”_blank” name=”sample”> Sample </a>


HTML language allows to apply the CSS properties only for selected tags with the help of classes. A Class is an identification which should be called inside a tag with the help of class attribute. The class type of CSS can be defined as follows
Syntax: Selector.class=classname {property: value; property2: value ;……}
<selector class=classname>
<head><title>Classes </title>
background-color:yellow;color:red;border:thick groove;
<p class="x">This is the paragraph with Cascading Style Sheets.</p>

Anonymous Classes:
An Anonymous class is identification for CSS where the styles can be applied to any selector. It provides a way of defining styles within reusable classes.
Syntax: .class=classname {property: value; property2: value ;……}
<selector class=classname>
<head><title>Anonymous Classes</title>
background-color:yellow;color:red;border:thick groove;
<p class="x">This is the paragraph with Anonymous Classes.</p>
<h1 class=”x”>Anonymous Classes</h1>

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